Today at Velzyland, one of the best known surfing sites on the North Shore of Oahu, a cancer awareness fundraiser was held to help three women. Jasmine Keala Amona, the youngest daughter of Mr. Bryan Amona, the founder of "Hui O He'e Nalu and Cynthia Mooney, recently went into the hospital where cancer spots were discovered in her lungs and brain. Sharla Dutro, has a tumor located on the right side of her brain (Oligodendroglioma) that causes her to have seizures and black outs. Carrie "CJ" Pilanca, has tested positive for the BRCA2 (breast cancer 2) genetic mutation. BRCA2 is a tumor suppressor gene and is meant to control the growth of cells in the breast and ovaries. This event is in tribute to all three women and their families. We pray that they will live a long, healthy and successful life. This meaningful event was made aware to me by Bonnie Fermahin member of the "Hui O He'e Nalu (click here) which means "Club of Wave Riders" which was established in 1976.
The Master of Ceremony was the well known Kaleo Pilanca (photo below with Councilman Ernie Martin), aka "KP" the Hip Hop Hawaiian and husband of Carrie "CJ" Kaleo. He is one of Hawaii's funniest comedians and was voted into the 2005 Top 10 Funniest people in Hawaii on Rory Wild's Count Down Hawaii on OC 16 and he was formally on Island 98.5 radio, 102.7 and producer of his own live show. Councilman Ernie Martin also attended today's event and related his experience with a very close friend that had cancer. All, or 100% of today's proceeds will go towards the women's medical expenses. If you would like to make a donation, you may go to any Bank of Hawaii branch and make a payment to "Da Hui Cancer Awareness Day Fund."
The weather was beautiful, a little rain and a beautiful rainbow. There were lots of food booths, raffle and prizes, a silent auction, live music and comedy by Da Bruddahs, Kennyhune, Kaleo Pilanca, Harold the Happy Hawaiian, John Feary, Gregg Hammer Band, Nesian Nine, Natural HI, Sunset Band and so much more. We had a good turn out and support for these three wonderful and beautiful "Huihine," Jasmine, Sharla and CJ. The atmosphere among the crowd at times was silent and some showed their tears. For me, it was very touching because this isn't the first time I covered an event in this type of magnitude. I had the opportunity to meet with these women and they are all beautiful and awesome mothers!
I was also informed of some sad news at today's event. The "Hui O He'e Nalu" members are also honoring Richard Kahihikolo (uncle midnight) who passed away with throat cancer; Kameron Steinhoff who passed away in a skateboarding accident; and Jeff Barbieto, firefighter who drowned while off duty and working for Hukilau Foods on a 120-foot dive. On the brighter side, it was a great event and it teaches us that we should not take life for granted. There are events like this all over our islands which we are unaware until it happens to us, a family member or friend. Thank you to Bonnie Fermahin, Kaleo Pilanca and Carrie "CJ" Pilanca for providing me the information about this event and the Hui O He'e Nalu club. I enjoyed covering this event and my prayers are with you and your families. "Ke Akua Pu A Hui Hou Kakou," God be with you until we meet again. "Click here" to see today's photo.