Saturday, December 26, 2009
Kahuku Women Basketball JV "vs" Kaimuki Bulldogs (55-14) Final.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
"Gate Ball In Hawaii" "Say What?"
This is what I learned about the game. Gate Ball is a mallet sport similar to croquette. It is a non-contact, fast-paced, highly-skilled team game, which can be played by anyone regardless of age or gender. It originated in Japan (1947) and is now played by more than 8 million people in over 15 countries worldwide.
Gate Ball is played on a rectangular court 20-25 meters long and 15-20 meters wide. Courts are generally grass, but can also be clay, gravel or concrete. Each court has three gates and a goal pole. The game is played by two teams (red and white) which consist of five players each. Each player has a numbered ball corresponding to their playing order. The odd-numbered balls are red and the even-numbered balls are white. Teams score one point for each ball hit through a gate and two points for hitting the goal pole. A game of Gate Ball lasts for 30 minutes. The winner is the team that has the most points at the end of the game.
The above members are left to right, #1 Stanley Sato, #2 Stanley Kitamura, #3 Kenneth Hosaka, #4 Dorothy Sato, #5 Kay Terao, #6 Masako Kozuma, #7 Margaret Fox, and #8 Yoshikane Shizuo. I would like to thank Mr. Stanley Kitamura and his members for their time, and for sharing the sport of Gate Ball with me. Much Mahalo! More photos click here
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
"Hawaii Ninth Island" Ski & Snowboarding" Las Vegas Style
Transportation to Mount Charleston on Monday, December 14, 2009, was awesome because Las Vegas Ski & Snowboarding started their first day of transportation pick-up from your hotel (Centennial Transportation). They transfer you to two other locations where a tour bus (Triple Tours Coach) will take you up to Mount Charleston. I was picked up at 6:30am and got to the top of Mount Charleston around 8:00am. The bus left there at 4:00 pm and I arrived back at my hotel around 6:30pm. The cost was very reasonable. For more information, email them at or call them at (702) 645-2754 -
"Special Thanks" to the staff at Las Vegas Ski & Snowboarding Resort, Base Operations Manager Craig Baldwin, Curt Sheffield, Accounting Manager, Host Chris Dehner who was my blocker when I was taking photos of our local Hawaii residents skiing and snowboarding. Thanks also to the Big Horn Cafe for that hot cocoa. Again, much mahalo to all. To see photos, "click here."
Sunday, December 6, 2009
"DOG PULLING" Weight Pull Competitions
As for the dogs feeling pain, I can't speak for them, but I understand that dogs who have done this "enjoy" the workout and those that don't will not move an inch. As for the ages of the dogs that participate, they usually fall between one year and 12 years old. Tournaments are usually held in Hawaii around March to September and are also held on the U.S. mainland, but it depends on the sponsors. The dogs with the best times earn points, and at the end of the year these points are added up. Those with the best three pulls earn a medal placement of Gold, Silver or Bronze. So, if you're driving around the islands and see a sign "dog pulling," you'll know what it's all about. Thank you to Alan and Stacie Mahoe for the invite and information. Check Out My Photos
Saturday, December 5, 2009
"2009 HHSAA Division I Championship" Kamehameha 34-21 Over the Kahuku Raiders
As for the earlier game at Aloha Stadium, Iolani and Kaua'i battled it out back and forth especially with a lot of fumbles and interceptions. In the end, Iolani prevailed just passing by Kaua'i 24-17, making it Iolani's third First Hawaiian Bank HHSAA Division II Championship title. Congratulations to all of these teams. Check Out My Photos
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Today, 9:30am at Waimea Bay Beach Park the waves were running as high as 25 feet. As predicted, it will be getting bigger and the life guards were warning beach goers to stay farther up on the beach with only experienced surfers entering the waters. Today, only one person was rescued and there were no serious injuries. More photos see "Alan Kang Hawaii Sports Photos".

Sunday, November 15, 2009
The Aiea (Steel Hornets) "vs" The Mililani (Flaming Hot Cheetos) AYSO U12 Boys Soccer Team

"Congratulations" to both teams and thank you to the Kaahanuis for inviting me. Thanks also to coach Greg Ishikawa of the Aiea team and coach Mel Yoshimitsu of the Mililani team. I would also like to mention that Laie played West Oahu in this tournament and took first place and second place respectively. For today's game photos, under my photo to your right, see more photos "click" Alan Kang Hawaii Sports Photos.
Monday, November 9, 2009
"Ewa Saints "vs" Hawaii Young Warriors"
At 2:00 pm the game started with Ewa Saints "vs" Hawaii Young Warriors. The Hawaii Warriors scored the first touchdown 8-0, but the Ewa Saints came back to tie the score 8-8. Watching Jr. Pee Wee football was a great way to spend my Sunday, it was more exciting than regular football. Anyway, both teams played their hearts out and were "awesome." All I can say is, we've got some talented kids out there. In the end, the Ewa Saints won the game, 22-14 over the Hawaii Young Warriors. I have to give credit to the Ewa Saints #2, Jaykob Cabunoc (photo above) who saved a touchdown (stripped the ball) and caused a fumble on the 3 yard line, and later on another play ran from the 20 yard in for a touchdown. Credit also goes to #5 Nai Noa Perez and #20 Kila Kapihe of the Ewa Saints who also scored touchdowns. I'd like to congratulate both teams for a well played game, and congratulations to Ewa Saints Coach, Sean Richardson. Thanks also to Mr. Terry Kumaewa for inviting me (see more photos click under my photo).
Friday, November 6, 2009
"Moanalua Na Menehune" Takes The OIA White Title 21-7 over Aiea Na Ali'i
The discipline among these players are beyond words that I can describe. I've covered the Na Menehune at several games and I now understand the meaning of "We Believe." As coach Martinez says, "all things are possible for those who believe" and yes, they achieved that goal at the Aloha Stadium for the OIA White Division Championship against the Aiea Na Ali'i and took their first OIA Championship Title.
"Congratulations" to Coach Martinez, his staff and all the football players at Moanalua High School, including Tahje Canyon #23 who rushed for 97 yards and two touchdowns. Special thanks to Mr. Joel Kawachi, Athletic Director and Principal Darrel Galera for giving me the opportunity to do the photos for Moanalua High School.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
"All Things Are Possible For Those Who Believe"

neither team would score until 4 minutes left in the 4th quarter, when Moanalua quarterback Adam Francisco, #7 threw a pass to receiver Essaye Villaver, #10 for a touchdown to tie the game 14-14 with 2:32 left on the clock. It was "chicken skin" all the way. Then with 52 seconds remaining on the clock, Moanalua held Kalaheo back as the game went into overtime. In overtime, Moanalua was the first to score bringing them to 21-14, and then it was Kalaheo's turn to try and score. Kalaheo ran in for a touchdown, but their kick for the extra point was blocked, because the entire Moanalua defensive line put up a wall. Congratulations to Moanalua, final score 21-20. The Moanalua Varsity team ended their season, 8-0 in the OIA White Division putting them in the playoffs. With this win, they advance to the Championship on November 6, 2009 at the Aloha Stadium. As Coach Martinez (photo above w/Jordan Tanioka) quoted, "all things are possible for those who believe."
Sunday, October 18, 2009
"Manoa Paniolo "vs" Kapahulu Raiders"
Saturday, October 17, 2009
"Nalea Trujillo" The Winning Field Goal

She also competed in the San Diego Surf Cup, "The Champion of Champions tournament", and tonight, October 16, 2009, Nalea Trujillo is Moanalua JV Freshman Football "Champion of Champs." With 3 seconds left on the clock and Aiea JV football team calling two times out to put the pressure on Nalea, it didn't hold up. Nalea stated, "yes she had butterflies" and was breathing too fast, but her teammates told her to calm down, takeout her mouth piece and breath. When it was time to kick the ball she just did what she had to do, and the ball went right between the goal up rights. For a second she couldn't recall what happened, but when she looked down and saw the Aiea JV Football players on the ground at her feet, she realized that she made the final winning field goal. The final score over Aiea JV Football team, 17-14. "Congratulations" to Nalea Trujillo and the Moanalua JV Football team (more photos - select see more photos at right).
Thursday, October 15, 2009
"Island Warriors Las Vegas Style"
I had the opportunity to meet with the Mr. Nua Agatonu (left-center back photo), Offensive Coordinator for Liberty High School and President of the Island Warriors in Henderson, Nevada.
Then in 2003, they formed the kids division youth tackle football with only 32 players and ended up with their first championship game that first year and gave them the name "Island Warriors" which consist of kids in grades 7-9. In 2004 they ended up with 4 teams, 2005, 6 teams to cover all 6 divisions. They got so big that they had to switch to the NYFL, Nevada Youth Foothball League, because this way the local kids age and weight could serve them better. In 2006 they ended up with 8 teams and over 200 kids and had to break away from the NYFL and move from the middle of the city to Henderson, Nevada and a feeder program into Liberty High School which has become a "local school" as they call it and created 3 teams,
(1) is their Prep Division 2,3 and 4th graders coached by Conrad Waialae (2) is their Elementry Division 5 and 6th graders coached by Samson Nacua and (3) is their Middle School 7 and 8th graders coached by Robert Kaaihui and 3 top 8th graders in the nation were selected to play First All-American Bowl that is made up of the top 8th graders from around the country and they were, Albert Tai, Niko Kapeli and Anu Soloman of the Island Warriors. In 2008, Liberty Middle School football team is the leader in the Southern Nevada Youth season (more photos - select "see more photos - listed under "Events").
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
2009 Hawaiian Island Martial Arts Tournament

The age groups were from 5 years and under, and 18 years and over and the Black Belt Grand Champion Kata went to Todd Dunphy (photo right with Grand Master, Rick Alemany). Congratulations to all who participated and especially to Todd Dunphy (more photos, select "see more photos").
Sunday, October 4, 2009
"Heart Break Ridge LVSSA Softball Championship Tournament 2009"
Every year in October, they hold their SSA Softball AA Championship Tournament in Las Vegas and this year it was scheduled on October 2,3,4, 2009. It was an invitation for me to cover the story and take photos of the Family Stones softball team coached by Mr. Ben Naki (photo below). This year, there were seven teams participating including the Family Stones, Hawaiians, Hawaiians-Lanakila, Maui, Guam, Team 808, and one mainland team, Oklahoma. Just to summarize the entire event this year, the AA Division 50 and over went to the Hawaiians team (24) over the Maui team (10) for the AA Division LVSAA Softball Championship Tournament. The MVP went
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Island Warriors & Family Stone LVSSA World Championship, Las Vegas 2009
I'll be off Island covering and reporting on Nua Agatonu who is the Offensive Coordinator (along with the other coaches, Chad Kapanui, Randy Asinsin, Joe Charles, Tala Toalei, Chad Kalilimoku, and brother Brad, and Alapa Clark) at Liberty High School in Henderson, Las Vegas and who is also the President of the Island Warriors (see more photos under "events"). I'll also be covering the Family Stones LVSSA World Championship Slow Pitch in Las Vegas, October 2,3,4, 2009 under Benjamin K. Naki Jr., who established the Family Stones back in 1981, and now hosts one of the largest softball tournaments in the State of Hawaii. Check back as I try to update these stories this weekend, and go to my photo gallery to see more photos.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The West Oahu Baseball Organization Youth Tournament

The West Oahu Baseball Organization Youth Tournament was started to accommodate the mainland teams who were traveling to Hawaii. There are 6 mainland teams involved in this years tournament, 1 with the youth and 5 with the 18 and under division.
It gives many of our local teams the opportunity to play teams from other states without leaving Hawaii. Mr. Jim Koishigawa, this year's tournament organizer related that the organizer from the mainland may possibly bring 20 plus teams to play in Hawaii next year.
There is also an organization based out of San Diego that wants to bring teams to play in Hawaii next year. If this happens, the West Oahu Baseball Organization will be hosting a lot of teams next summer. If you have any questions, you may email Jim at
Monday, August 31, 2009
The West Oahu Baseball Tournament 2009 Championship

The final game went to the Windward Giants who scored 11-9 over the Mililani Gold. Due to errors, Mililani Gold fell short at the end and the Windward Giants took the 10 and under Championship. As for the 12 and under, the Manoa Dirt Bags ran away with the Championship with the final score 17-3 over the C-Dawgs. "Congratulations" to all the teams who made it to the finals.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Oli Aloha No Palolo

The game started out by a chant called "Oli Aloha No Palolo" which describes the area where Anuenue is situated. The alaka'i or team captains went forward to present the lomi sticks and a pu'olo (ti leaf bundle) to the Kamehameha Football Team. Talk about chills and chicken skin, "wow", that was "awesome" to watch and again, I have to say that you had to be there to feel like you were back in history.
After the presentation, the team did the dance, Ku'i Moloka'i a true Hawaiian male dance. "Congratulation" to the Anuenue Football Team, Coach Timothy Kealohamakua Wengler, his staff and players!
Tricia Yoshimura 2008 Libero of the Year All-Pac West Volleyball Team

Friday, August 21, 2009

head coach at Palolo Vikings, he coached many of the immersion students and competed against many others. As they
matured into the high school, it was they who asked him to make their dream come to life and for Anuenue to have a team of our own rather than having to play for the
neighboring Roosevelt High School team. The following 2005-06 we wrote for a
grant through OHA and began the first Hawaiian immersion High School
Football team which we named “Na Koa o Anuenue”
Na Koa o Anuenue Football Team 2009

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