The 45th Annual Makawao Town celebration was held during the Nation's Independence Day weekend truly shows the "Hawaiian Style Heritage of the Hawaiian Paniolos." Festivities started on Thursday, July 1 continuing thru Sunday, July 4, 2010 and included a Paniolo Parade followed by the 55th annual Rodeo which was held at the "Oskie Rice Arena which is about a mile up the road off Olinda Road. If you have never seen the parade, it's like the old Hawaiian Cowboy (Paniolo) days. The keiki (children) riding their "stick horses," kick off the start of the parade followed by the Bikers Club, Antique Car parade show, Shriners, Haleakala National Park Rangers, Grand Marshall, Junior Rodeo Queen, Princess, Maui Cheer Babes, Maui Pipe Band, Miss Maui, Maui Extreme, Piiholo Ranch, the Koki Frogs, and ending with the Unicycles and the politicians were out in force since it is a political year. The announcer at the parade was Mr. Ed Hoffman who has been doing this for the past 8 years and has also been a rodeo competitor himself for a number of years.
To see Parade photos, "Click here".
When the parade ended, mostly everyone headed over to the "Oskie" Rice Arena Maui Roping Club to watch the 55th Annual Rodeo event. If you are contemplating going to next year's event, set your "GPS" to 3674 Baldwin Avenue (Makawao). This is T. Komoda Store & Bakery, one of the oldest and best bakeries on Maui. At this intersection, turn onto Olinda Road and continue about a mile and you'll see Oskie Rice Arena on your left. If you arrive at the Oskie Rice Arena early (7:45 am) enough there is a shuttle to the parade. For me, it was two long days of Makawao celebration and Rodeo. This was only my second rodeo, and I can't believe I spent much of my time watching where I was stepping ........... Where ever you walked, there were horse droppings like golf balls on a driving range! Yes, inattention could land you in deep "s"?!@#, literally. You know what I mean. I also learned not to stand behind any horses.
Some of this year's events included the Mixed Team Roping, Wahine and Keiki Barrel Race, Wahine Breakaway Roping, Wahine Steer Undecorating, Century Team Roping, Dally Team Roping, Mugging, Calf Roping, Po'o Wai U, and Bull Bashing. Boy, from my observation, you would think they need a lot of "Tokuhon and Mineral Ice" for all those ouwees. What makes a sky diver jump from an airplane? I also asked myself, why does a Paniolo jump off his horse onto running cattle and not use his rope? Well, they seem to enjoy themselves, and the excitement from the crowd gives them that extra challenge. Winning also has a lot to do with their performance and the monetary prizes provide that additional incentive. Congratulations to all that participated. For me, the most enjoyable of the rodeo events was the "Mugging" where one Paniolo chases down and ropes the cattle, and his partner runs from the sideline and tries to tackle the cattle down so the Paniolo can tie off the cattle for the best time. Another favorite was the "Bull Bashing," where the Paniolo tries to hang or stay on the bull for the longest time without falling off. I sure enjoyed myself and it was a great experience. Special thanks to Mr. Peter Baldwin for the invitation, to Mr. Herman Louis Decoite for allowing me the opportunity to shoot the photos. Thanks also to the three original Paniolo and founders of the Rodeo in Hawaii, Apey Albert Fernandez from Maui, Mr. William Andrade, the Grand Marshall of today's parade who is from the Big Island, and to Herman Decoite from Maui for permitting me to be in the reserved seating at the rodeo, and to all personnel at this year's rodeo event. I cannot forgot one person, and that is Linda "Dhiru" LaRotonda of Equity One in Makawao who was so kind to let me use their restroom. If you ever need a realtor, call Linda and she can help you as she did for me. "Aloha" Linda and thank you!
To see Rodeo photos, "Click here".