Central Hawaiian Activities 3 Kenpo Brotherhood Seminar in Las Vegas |
The instructors who attend the seminar will be versed in the History, By-Laws, Training, etc., as our founder would have wanted it passed on to their students. Professor Tiwanak always stated that we are not just a martial art school. That we are a family, and that he wanted these traits of "Ohana," to be passed to our mainland instructors, and to also let them know that they all play an important part in our organization no matter how far they are located from the "mother school."
Through our seminar we can insure that all Instructors teaching in Hawaii and abroad are all on the same page as far as our training and teaching techniques. Through the seminar we can set the goal that any student can attend any C.H.A.3 certified school and receive the same quality training. Any student who transfer to another branch school can feel comfortable that the training they learned will fit right in at their new dojo.
The main goal is to insure our founder, Professor Marino Tiwanak, will live forever through his history, his ideals, his training, and the goals that he had set for his organization.
After the passing of the founders son, Professor Mike Tiwanak, the weight of the Central Hawaiian Activities 3 Kenpo Brotherhood Association, will be passed to the founders youngest grandson, Bronson K. Tiwanak, who is currently a certified black belt in C.H.A.3 Kenpo.
Presentations by Professor MikeTiwanak, 10th Degree Chiefs: Paketo Caluyo, Fred Buescher, Larry Carson, Richard Baker and Rudy Montane. 9th Degree Chiefs: Nicholas Silva, and Chrisanto Adaoag. 8th Degree: Annette Almeida, Micahel Potes, Ray Hubbard, Jeff Pascua and Ellis Heggen.
Besides instructors flying to Las Vegas from Hawaii, there will also be instructors traveling from California, Oregon, Montana, Louisiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Illinois, Nebraska, North Carolina, Florida, and Guam(photo above).