Chief Louis Kealoha reflected back over Carolyn's 31 years of dedicated service with the Honolulu Police Department. He shared one fond memory of when he was in recruit school. He was on the "bubble," and his last chance on EVOC, Emergency Vehicle Operation Course. Carolyn was the instructor and he recalled her telling him, "this is your last chance, if you don't do it, you're going to be out!" She just said "do your best" and this Chief Kealoha said he will always remember and has taken that with him into his career and into his personal life. He also wanted to thank her for being a friend over the years. Deputy Chief Dave Kajihiro also applauded Carolyn for her dedication and added that where ever Carolyn went, she always made a big impact within that department. She was especially very instrumental in starting up the DARE program and even today, she is still instrumental in re-focusing on the DARE program.
Carolyn was appointed on 11/16/79 and has been at District 1, CID, Training Division, Desk Sergeant, Community Relations, Juvenile Services Division, District 5, District 6 and Lieutenant in The Human Resources Division.
After the luncheon, Carolyn was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation from the U.S. Attorney's Office by Wesley Wong who was representing U.S. Attorney (Hawaii) Florence Nakakuni. Captain Kent Harada of the Honolulu Police Department presented her with an HPD Badge clock inscribed with her badge number, name, start date (11/16/79) and retirement date (06/30/2011). As a bonus, because it takes time to receive her first retirement check, she was presented with a box of wrapped dollar bills. "Congratulations" Carolyn on your retirement. You were truly the "heart" of the Human Resources Division and I can say this, as it was a privilege to have worked with you during my 18 years at HRD. A Hui Hou Kakou - "Till we meet again."
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