On Wednesday, December 21, 2011, I ran into Edward Akio Tanaka Jr. (photo above) here in Honolulu who just completed his first CD release and is from the island of Moloka’i, musical artist, signature sound creates a blend of Moloka’i’s mystical soul, culture, people and aloha for the island. The reposeful music of the album transcends the mind to a musical haven in the same way that mystical forces of nature inspire a sense of fascination.
In his debut album “Mystical Moloka’i”, seven of the eleven songs are written and composed by Eddie himself. “You know how a song reminds you of the past or some where that you’ve been. That’s what music is about to me - reminding you what you felt, or saw at that exact moment when you hear a song. My intent is that the music and songs will touch people’s na’au (one’s heart and mind) and mark times in their lives like they do for me. While writing and playing these songs while I was away in my travels, this is what I have to share about my stories about the past, present and even future of Moloka’i.” says Tanaka
A personal song favorite of Eddie’s family is “ ‘Ama ‘Ama” that tells of a fun time in their home valley and bay when the mullet, an indigenous fish, runs in schools and swims between the reefs creating quite a show. (And then dinner after catching it!) Eddie says he “used the ukulele’s distinct picking in this song to express the fluidity of the fish as they dart back and forth with the ocean’s currents.” It is personal moments like these that filter through Eddie’s songs and paint pictures of exactly what you hear.
The album definitely reflects a diverse sound with each song having been influenced by not only Eddie, but by the mana’o (thoughts) of many musical talents from Hawai’i and the mainstream music scene. Easily gaining fan popularity, “Maui Rainbows” catchy tune was written in 1995 with the help of family friend, Eddie Brigati (The Rascals). “This song pushed me to really write more. We wrote this song just by looking through my home’s picture window staring across at Maui, the afternoon rainbows and the natural beauty that Moloka’i provided for us.” says Tanaka.
With Eddie’s therapeutic voice, soothing guitar rifts, lyrical plays in Hawaiian and English and even some jazz and rock, listeners can expect to hear a musical, mystical rainbow shine through the album, “Mystical Moloka’i”.
Thank you Eddie for the story and especially for your first CD. Your kindness and "Aloha" will put you over the rainbow. The above story by Edward Akio Tanaka Jr., and his press release that came out 2 weeks ago in their home paper Molokai Dispatch.
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